Thursday 3 January 2013

How to Grow an Olive Tree From a Seed

The olive tree is a member of the Oleaceae family and a plant that is native to coastal areas in the Mediterranean. Olive trees are beautiful additions to any yard or indoor environment and can be grown relatively easily from their seed state (the pit of an olive fruit). It is important to note, however, that most olive trees that are grown from a seed state will not work optimally as fruit-bearing trees, but only as ornamental trees.

How to Propagate Olive Trees by Sarah Morse

How to Grow an Olive Tree From a Seed By Geoffrey Weed

How to Grow Olive Seeds By Katelyn Lynn

How to Grow Olives From Seed By Eulalia Palomo

How to Plant an Olive Seed By Stan DeFreitas

How to Plant an Olive Tree From a Seed By Eleanor Jewell