Wednesday 2 January 2013

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is 75% Monounsaturated Fat and Has Many Other Health Benefits

“The Truth About Olive Oil” is an ebook about the benefits of using extra virgin olive oil (both internally and externally). The author of this book, Joyce Zborower, received her Master’s Degree from Bradley University in clinical psychology in 1969. She began studying about food in an effort to learn how to better care for her family. The more she learned about food, the more she wanted to learn and eventually attended other college level classes in biology and nutrition. Because of her extensive knowledge about food and nutrition and their impact of our daily lives, Joyce decided to share her knowledge in a book – “The Truth About Olive Oil.”

Jim Henry, who is President of Texas Olive Ranch and Executive Director of Texas Olive Oil Council, wrote the Forward for this book. He has been in the olive business for twenty (20) years and considers Joyce’s book to be a “must read” for anyone interested in learning about olive oil. His feeling is that most people think of olive oil as a mysterious and exotic Italian gourmet item mainly promoted by various nutritionists and medical programs. His feeling is that currently people in the U.S. aren’t using olive oil as extensively as they should because they simply don’t know enough about its many benefits.

However, when people learn of the extensive benefits of olive oil, it will become much more a staple of their nutrition. For example, cooking in extra virgin olive oil is much better for you than regular cooking oils because heating extra virgin olive oil produces far fewer trans fats than regular oil. Also, eating extra virgin olive oil helps reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL. Joyce’s book, “The Truth About Olive Oil”, will help them learn. For more details about the health benefits of olive oil, you can visit the Amazon page for the book here:

Olive oil is composed of 75% monounsaturated fat which is considered the best kind of fat to eat. One of the reasons is that the body can burn it as energy which can help you lose weight. This isn’t true of other kinds of fats. It also contains antioxidants, called polyphenols, believed to help lower blood pressure. Some people eat one or two tablespoons of olive oil directly out of the bottle every morning. Be careful though. If your body isn’t used to this, it can act as a laxative.

“The Truth About Olive Oil” is available at as a downloadable Kindle ebook in English or Spanish and as a print-on-demand paperback book in English.

[Source: WebWire]