Tuesday 18 December 2012

So you want to grow your own olive tree?

Olive trees are beautiful as ornamental additions to many landscapes, growing quite well in a variety of soil types and climates, or can be grown for their fruit by the the gardener who lives in an area with the proper climatic conditions. If planting olive trees for production, planting two or more is best, as cross pollination is necessary for many varieties to be fruitful.

Olive trees are most productive in areas with hot, dry summers and milder winter weather. Hard freezes or prolonged cold spells can be quite damaging, reducing or eliminating the production of olives for the season.

However, given the proper conditions and a great deal of nurturing and patience, olive trees can produce an abundance of fruit, and home gardeners who live in less than ideal climates can grow dwarf varieties in containers, allowing them to be moved for protection against harsh weather. Read on to learn how to grow olive trees.

How to Grow Olive Trees By Melinda L. Secor

How to Plant a Olive Tree By Ezmeralda Lee