Wednesday, 19 December 2012

NZ olive oil named in world's top 20

Anne Stinimiroff of Rangihoua olive estate on Waiheke Island. Photo / File

A Waiheke Island grove has produced an olive oil that's been named among the top 20 in the world.

Rangihoua Estate is the only Extra Virgin Olive Oil produced in the southern hemisphere that managed to claim a spot in Flos Olei Guide 'The Best 20'.

A team of tasters spent months in Rome, sampling over 3000 oils from 43 countries. Only the top 500 oils made it in to - Flos Olei - an international guide to the best olive oils in the world. A top 20 were also selected - including the Kiwis.

Rangihoua Estate owners, Colin Sayles and Anne Stanimiroff, were the first people to produce olive oil in the North Island, going in to production 15 years ago.

They said they were humbled and astounded by the award.

They're now in Rome for the announcement and prize giving of the 'The Best 20' and launch of the of the 2013 Flos Olei Guide.

[Source: The New Zealand Herald]