Sunday 16 December 2012

From Food To Fuel: Olive Oil Powers Pittsburgh Truck


Is the next new fuel fad... olive oil? The organizers of a Pittsburgh-area effort aimed at collecting used oil from restaurants and turning it into biofuels hope so.

The Post-Gazette has the details on an olive and vegetable oil-fueled truck that’s driving from eatery to eatery in Oakland

Travis Mecum, an Energy Corps Fellow of GTECH, collects waste oil from the kitchen of Phipps Conservatory in Oakland. Lake Fong/Post-Gazette

It’s GTECH Strategies’ alternative-energy vehicle in a pilot campaign to collect waste cooking oil in a concentrated area.

The project has nine Oakland restaurants contributing so far.

Ting Yen stores about 35 pounds of used oil a day in the basement of Sushi Fuku on Oakland Avenue, including contributions from the owner of Oishii Bento across the street. He had previously contracted with a private company that paid him for the oil but he liked GTECH’s local pitch.

[Source: StateImpact Pennsylvania]